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Thursday, June 7, 2012
Riester Blood Pressure Cuff
Hypertension is known as the silent killer. Most people will not show any symptoms, and it is most often discovered during a doctor’s visit. The good news is, in most all cases, once hypertension is discovered it can be controlled. Under the guidance of their doctor, a regime of exercise, diet, and/or medication will be prescribed for patients with hypertension.

Patients with hypertension will more than likely be asked to keep track of their blood pressure between office visits. People with pre-hypertension may also want to chart theirs to make sure it does not rise to hypertension levels. For some people, it is difficult to get an accurate pressure reading at the doctor’s office. These people suffer from what is termed “white coat syndrome”, they become extremely nervous while at the doctor. This causes their pressure to increase temporarily so the doctor does not have an accurate reading from their blood pressure equipment. These people are able to know, and track, their own readings by having a blood pressure monitor at home.

There is a variety of types of equipment available for home use. It is vital to buy a home blood pressure monitor that is suitable for the person using it.

Digital equipment is popular and easy to read. There is a LCD type of display that shows the pressure and pulse readings. Digital blood pressure equipment has a blood pressure cuff and gauge. With these types of monitors, the cuff is placed and then a button is pushed to start the readings. The cuff will tighten as the readings are being taken, then release automatically as the results are displayed. There are monitors available with wrist or arm cuffs.

The other type of home blood pressure monitor is manual. With these monitors, the cuff is inflated by pumping a bulb that is attached via a tube. A stethoscope is used to check the blood pressure which is then recorded on a gauge. This type of blood pressure equipment takes some practice, and sometimes requires a helper to get the job done.

It is particularly important to be sure to purchase a blood pressure cuff that fits properly. Smaller adults and children may need a special cuff, in addition, larger adults may need a larger cuff.

When charting their readings, people should include the time of the day it was taken. They will find that it fluctuates throughout the day, and after certain activities. It might be wise to consider taking ones pressure at the same time each day, this would make daily comparisons more accurate.

It is essential to be still and relaxed while using a home blood pressure monitor. Sitting down in a comfortable position and taking a few minutes to relax is recommended.

by: getMedOnline


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