As far back as the Egyptians (and probably much earlier), civilizations have always needed to compare quantities of goods when trading commodities. One of the earliest records of this surrounds the trade of salt. Specifically, ancient civilizations relied upon displacement of water to calculate volumes of salt being traded. By submerging the commodity in water, they could note exactly how far it caused the water level to rise. Next, once they had estimated the difference in the two water levels, they could approximate the volume of the commodity. However, if there is one thing we know about salt, it’s that it doesn’t handle being submerged in water very well. To circumvent this obvious issue, balances were invented. Although this technology did not initially allow for the calculation of an object’s absolute weight, it did allow for traders to compare the relative weight of two goods. Eventually, this evolved to the point where standard weights and measures could be placed on one side of the scale, to estimate absolute weight, and now to current-day technology that affords us extreme precision and accuracy when measuring weights via advances in digital technology.
Now that the technology behind the common scale has advanced so far, so have its uses. In any laboratory setting, there is one piece of equipment that is absolutely essential to everyday operation. Without a solid, reliable precision balance, no laboratory can operate effectively. Carefully calibrated, precision analytical balances allow for incredibly small amounts of material to be accurately measured to within 0.01 of a gram or less over and over again. The worldwide leader in precision balance technology is Ohaus, which has Ohaus distributors across the nation selling their brand of electronic scales. These come with a manufacturer’s warranty, customer support, and a stellar reputation spanning decades.
The benefits of using an electronic analytical balance over the older, mechanical balances are dazzling. To start with, analytical balances often have digital interfaces, removing human error and the need to interpret the scale’s readout. Additionally, many of the new models sold by Ohaus distributors are very quick and easy for professionals to calibrate, along with providing step-by-step walkthroughs explaining to the user how to balance and zero the device before taking a measurement. Many models also feature transparent windows that surround the scale, called draft guards, to prevent turbulence in the air from affecting the readout of the device. The final benefit of this new generation of analytical balances is that they have few moving parts, largely avoiding the danger of mechanical failure that conventional balances are prone to.
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